Jumat, 16 November 2012

Apple iPad mini Review

Performance Usually with every new Apple device that's released, we usually expect faster performance. Unfortunately for the iPad mini, this is definitely not the case. The iPad mini is powered by the iPad 2's A5 processor that came out a year and a half ago. Apple iPad miniWhen using this tablet in comparison with the third-generation iPad, there is a difference in feel on how fast the apps launch and how they run. The difference is much more clear when you compare this with the latest iPad when playing graphics-intensive games such as NOVA 3 and Modern Combat. They both work fine on the iPad mini, but you will experience slower load times, and they don't run as smoothly. Angry Birds and Fruit Ninja both work perfectly on the Mini. In terms of real world, day-to-day usage, it's not that big of a deal -- despite some people are crying bloody murder. If you are mainly using the iPad mini to go online, read books or check Facebook, then you probably won't even notice a difference. Navigating through the OS and switching in between apps and screens was as snappy and responsive as the Retina iPads.
Cameras I don't really use the camera features on tablets. Even with the vast improvements Apple made to the cameras on the third-generation iPad, the camera was seldom used. I think it's weird when I see people take photos with their iPads in a museum, but taking photos with tablets seems to be a trend these days. Apple iPad miniThe smaller form factor of the iPad mini makes taking pictures on a tablet less awkward looking than it does on larger tablets. Powered by a 5MP rear-facing camera, the Mini does very well for a tablet in capturing photos and videos at 1080p. It's no iPhone 5, and doesn't have a built-in flash, but it does take decent pictures even in low light situations. The front-facing camera is something that I do use on the tablet. In order to conserve the battery on my iPhone, I sometimes resort to FaceTime on an iPad. Being as small as the Mini is, it's a great device for video chat, and it helps even more having a FaceTime HD camera for video chatting. Battery Life Like all the other iPads, the mini has fantastic battery performance. I took the iPad off the charger on Friday morning and have used it excessively through the weekend in writing this review, surfing the Web, watching videos, Facebook, Twitter, listening to music, and talking to some relatives in Hong Kong. It's Monday afternoon right now and I still have 20% battery life left without even charging it. Apple claims that the iPad mini will last 10 hours and I totally believe it based on what I've seen so far.

Samsung ATIV Smart PC: S Pen

Samsung ATIV Smart PC - "Create Your Smart Style" with EXO-K

Jumat, 09 November 2012

Siri vs Google Search ( Voice recorder )

LapPi, Laptop Murah yang Menggunakan Komputer Raspberry Pi

Komputer mini Raspberry Pi merupakan sebuah komputer murah dengan spesifikasi yang cukup baik. Komputer yang dijual seharga $35 USD ini menggunakan prosesor ARM11 700 MHz serta RAM 512MB. Komputer ini pun dilengkapi dengan beberapa jenis port, seperti HDMI, USB serta Ethernet. Untuk menggunakan komputer ini, sebenernya tidak terlalu sulit. Dengan menambahkan beberapa pheriperal, Anda sudah bisa menggunakannya sebagaimana sebuah komputer biasa. Namun, kalau Anda tak ingin repot, Anda bisa LapPi. LapPi merupakan proyek pembangunan Raspberry Pi agar memiliki fungsionalitas seperti sebuah laptop. LapPi saat ini memang masih belum bisa ditemui di pasaran, karena tengah dalam proyek pengembangan.
Nantinya, laptop Raspberry Pi tersebut pun akan dilengkapi dengan fitur yang cukup lengkap. Dari sebuah WiFi, Bluetooth, keyboard, touchpad, monitor serta sebuah baterai. Selain itu, LapPi juga dilengkapi fitur GPS, mic serta speaker stereo. Untuk baterai, laptop ini memang tak seperti notebook konvensional. Anda hanya butuh menggunakan baterai AA. Sayangnya, dari segi ukuran, laptop ini tidak lagi mini. Ukurannya pun sangat besar, dengan menggunakan sebuah kopor. Mengenai harga, SilverJimmy yang merupakan pengembang dari laptop tersebut masih belum mengungkapkannya.

Lacie PetiteKey USB Drive Mini berbentuk Kunci Tahan Air sampai Kedalaman 100 Meter

Lacie memang telah membuat USB drive berbentuk kunci sebelumnya, kali ini Lacie menghadirkan model baru yang lebih kecil dan lebih tangguh dengan keamanan lebih baik. Lacie PetiteKey begitulah nama produk USB flash drive berbentuk kunci terbaru yang tahan air (Water resistant) sampai kedalaman 100 meter, konektor USB yang tahan gores, dan drive ini pun dibungkus oleh logam sehingga lebih tahan lama. Lacie PetiteKey ini dijual dalam tiga pilihan kapasitas, yaitu 8GB dengan harga 15USD, 16GB dan 32 GB yang dijual dengan harga 40 USD.
Selain fisik yang oke, Lacie PetiteKey juga dilengkapi keamanan lebih baik dengan adanya software enkripsi supaya data di dalamnya tidak mudah dibaca oleh orang lain yang tidak diinginkan.

Samsung Galaxy S3 vs. iPhone 4s: Drop, Kid, Car Test.